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  • Writer's pictureMia Lee

Staging Macbeth


Write your thoughts about at least 2 of the selections above. Which production did you feel was most effective, and why? Which bothered you, or didn't seem quite as effective and why? If YOU were in charge of a film production of Macbeth, what techniques would you use? How might you make it appeal to modern audiences (with the rule being you can't change the dialogue).


I am chosing to compare two of the Lady Macbeth “our damn spot” dialogue. I thought that the most effective one was the last one in the series of four videos we watched. I appreciated the use of props like the sink and bleach or cleaner. Also where the director chose to showcase what Lady Macbeth sees with the blood coming out of the faucet. She also was firm and a bit more angered than the other four. This I felt embodied Lady Macbeth better, especially for the parts where she imagines talking to Macbeth. The first video example in the series of four videos, the animation, was my least favorite. I thought the art was very beautiful, but alot of the lines were cut out. Also I felt the voice actress for the animated Lady Macbeth did not fully embody he character of her character. I was a bit bothered by how the voice had a tone of sassiness. At this point in the play she has gone crazy. I felt there were better emotions and tones to showcase since Lady Macbeth is pretty much psycho at this point.

If I were to direct my own version of Macbeth I would use a lot of intrecet lighting techniques. Also I would want to create a mystical, floating dagger and a creepy ghost Banquo. I would also use fake blood for all the bloody murder scenes. I would also want to use scenic and b-roll like shots of the setting to set the mood for the viewers. I also would use weather to symbolize the mood and foreshadow future events. To appeal to more modern viewers I would set it in a modern era, possibly the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. I still want it to have a older feeling, but set in a more current time. I would still want it to be in Scotland and have castles and glamorou, rich looking clothing.

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