Think about people who might be "modern Macbeths". Sure, dictators come to mind (as seen above), but perhaps also ruthlessly ambitious entrepreneurs, or people in powerful positions who take advantage of their rank and abuse their power.
For your journal, think about someone in our modern age (20th or 21st century) who could be considered a "modern Macbeth", according to your understanding of his character. You might need to do a little research. Try to find at least one individual to specifically talk about.
Read about "Mac on the Move" - an adaptation in a corporate setting.
For this journal, you can simply write AND / OR include a VENN DIAGRAM comparing/contrasting Macbeth with the "modern Macbeth" person.
A modern example of Macbeth is Richard Nixon. He started off nobel as someone just trying to make a run for presidency. He was finally successful in 1968. He did good things for our country, but during his re-election of 1972 Nixon had a terrible scandal. He was accused and found of covering criminal activity. He is knows as the only president who ever had to resign from office. Just like Macbeth he started out nobel and good. Then he abuse for the power he was given and in the end was stripped of that power.