1. Read the two existing reviews above and compare/ contrast. What things do you agree or disagree with, after having seen the film?
2. What kinds of things could the medium of cinema provide that a stage production could not? What are the disadvantages of a film version? Comment on use of costumes, sound/music, lighting, character appearance, and locations / sets.
3. What artistic liberties did Polanski take, as you compare the written play with his version?
4. What do you think went well with the film? What would you have changed if you had been the director? Would you defend Polanski's decisions to make this so gory?
1. I overall agree with the reviews from both articles provided. I have very little to no disagreements with what was written. The film was well made and has great use of special effects to add another element to Shakespeare's Macbeth. I do agree that "rather than watch the performers act, we are encouraged to watch them think." It adds a "psychological realism", as one of the articles put it. I also agree that the way because of how this film was made and how the director Polanski portrayed the characters it was not to identify with them, but to simply feel like we are there watching. One of the reviews stated "this is an original film artist, and not an "interpretation."" I definitely agree because there are certain scenes that are interpreted differently than the play, it enhances or slightly alters the feeling and mood of a scene. Polanski even adds his own twist ending which gives the story a truly grim feeling. He made his Macbeth film his own.
2. With the cinema version of Macbeth it is able utilize beautiful, real, landscapes and sets that make everything look like your right there. They are able to play with things like weather and different lightnings. It gives each scene more character. It also allows clarity for character focus and being able to see costume details. The film version also allows the lines that are meant to be spoken in the characters mind to be presented that way. A few disadvantages of the film version is that some scenes are hard to see in my opinion, also the film may be harder for some people to watch because it is much gorier than a play. The costumes in the film were lovely, well made, and well suited for the film. The use of sound and music were well done. Through the use of sound and music, you could tell when bad things were about to occur or were occurring and through the sound it gave scenes a realism to them. The lighting provided more character for the scenes and even was used to represent metaphors or to give watchers hints about upcoming scenes.
3. Polanski had the witches naked and a large coven of them instead of just three. Another art liberty taken was making the famous Lady Macbeth scene and making here naked. It gave the scene vulnerability, while also making her seem crazy.
4. I feel that the lighting, location, and sets really were done amazingly well in the movie. Also, special effects were used well and were done well in the film. I would not want to change anything because in my opinion it was a great film. I do agree that the amount of gory scenes in the film were needed. Not only did it make the story feel more grim, but it also made the film more realistic.